I have TWO beautiful girls standing before me, but I only have ONE photo in my hands. This photo represents the girl who will NOT continue forth in the hopes of becoming RGF's AusNTM Rankdown winner.
I will only call one girl's name, and this girl must travel back to the apartment, gather any of her belongings, and.... go...... home.[/color]
This was a really tough call... Jordan was one of the stand-outs in one of the stronger, if not the strongest casts in the entire run of the show but Alyce was the true Queen of the Bitchketeers and the almost-Mrs Di Caprio so I have to make the sad decision to cut Jordan well before her time.
From the few seconds we got of her in the above Cycle 3 promo, it was clear Jordan was going to be a major contender to win the whole thing and, while she did go on to be the first winner of the "Australia's Favorite Model" public vote, her performance during the competition was surprisingly all over the place. She was one of two girls to get 3 first call-ours (surprisingly it was Anika who was the second), but she almost made a couple of trips to the bottom two but ultimately, was spared right up until the F3. To be fair, the photo she got sent home on was an absolute shocker, it was gangly and unladylike, as you can see for yourself below:
Jordan's highlights included her fights with Paloma, forming the "T-Unit" and hassling the under-18s (on AusNTM, the girls are given separate living quarters depending on whether they are over the legal age of drinking, 18, or under), and, quite possibly, one of the greatest shots ever produced on the show so far:
HOWEVER! Jordan ALSO came out of a building on William St early one morning and flagged a cab down DESPITE the fact that I was CLEARLY standing only 10 meters further down the road and had OBVIOUSLY been waiting for a cab myself and had been doing so since well before she came out of her go-see or whatever (she was carrying a black binder which I assumed was her portfolio). BITCH STOLE MY TAXI and looked DAMN FIERCE doing it. She was also surprisingly tall.
But why am I surprised that the cab driver was more than willing to immediately pull over and pick her up when she looks like that?
Numbers Chosen:
Numbers Eliminated:
Numbers Saved:
Sorry for the wait on that one! We're now ready for the next two nominees to go up and face PDC's wrath! Spots are filling up in the top 15 very quickly!