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How did you first start ORGing?

Thu Aug 14, 2014 1:21:06 pm
by Vocal Fry
Who recruited you? Or did you sign up? And what was your first game, how did you do, etc etc?
Re: How did you first start ORGing?

Thu Aug 14, 2014 1:35:40 pm
by shadow0knight
My first ORG game was like in Summer 2012 from DeviantArt that was hosted by GeorgeJhon (yeah shocking). He asked me if I wanted to play and I agreed.
I believe the theme was a Survivor-Spin Off Comic called Survivor Fan Characters (which I'm sure none of the people here know what I'm talking about so let's skip that part)
My first game was something I really should not be proud of. The first few rounds I had fun and had a fun showmance, but after my showmance partner left from the other team.....I kind of went batshit insane. There was a mutiny twist and one person from the other team joined if you posted a Candice Woodcock/Cody picture and I believed he was the one that got my partner out so I tried asking my team to throw the challenge and send him packing, was afraid that my other ally would get picked off if her team lost so I PMed her (even though she was on the other team; but I went insane that round and all common sense went out the window) and I ended up scaring my team and they unanimously voted me out. (15th Place out of 18th)
Since then I've been trying to improve my game and took me 7 mores games until I became a power player and making it far without being a goat/unlikable prick. And that 8th game also gave me new hope since that would have potentially made me retire/quit ORGing seeing how my first 7 ORG games were awful and it went to the point of people refusing to let me join their game.....
Re: How did you first start ORGing?

Thu Aug 14, 2014 1:46:56 pm
by Vocal Fry
Did you play all 8 of those games at the same time?

Re: How did you first start ORGing?

Thu Aug 14, 2014 2:08:37 pm
by Miss Laura
Poody and Blueberry both recruited me for their series' within like 2 days of one another. I completely failed both of those but kept on playing

Re: How did you first start ORGing?

Thu Aug 14, 2014 3:16:40 pm
by deaderrose
In 2010 I was very bored and had just dedicated an entire summer to playing mafia games. A good friend of mine from that community was planning to host a Survivor game for us, but he needed to do research into how Survivor games work, so he signed up for a game with another one of our members for a 50 player game called Bermuda Triangle. They got outted as a pair pretty early, and ended up out in like 20th place, and decided to get their revenge on that ORG community by trolling in another game, because my friend didn't really get how these things fully work at the time and the other guy is just kind of insane.
They recruited me and one other member from our forum to troll a Big Brother game. I ended up having fun, especially after our alliance fell apart and I was stuck dealing with the other people in the game. So when I got out of that I started playing other games legitimately. Now I mostly host because I'm allergic to social game
Re: How did you first start ORGing?

Thu Aug 14, 2014 5:15:32 pm
by shadow0knight
Re: How did you first start ORGing?

Thu Aug 14, 2014 5:43:37 pm
by trojansoldier
Mine was pure happenstance. Had no idea this entire world existed and had attempted to play a couple of those shiteous games over on Tengaged but ohmigod were they bad and was that place just intolerable... Anyway, I was browsing Reddit one day and came across an ad posted by Rob C (Waka) advertising Aus Stranded
The first commenter on the site is an individual named dshban, whose wrestling podcast I am a massive fan of so his endorsement put me over the line and I applied (although, upon reflection, something tells me MiaVocalFry may be a paid shill). Rob was super, super cool during the application process and Aus Stranded: Socotra was a bit of a baptism of fire for me in the ORG world. I wish I could say I have consistently done better than my first outing but, in all honesty, my energy levels are always so up and down that I can never tell if I'm gonna come in all guns blazing or limp into a game half-hearted but 9/10 I have heaps of fun and that's what keeps me coming back.
Re: How did you first start ORGing?

Thu Aug 14, 2014 6:48:27 pm
by gerbil_george
I found a few orgs run through proboards with communication through AIM that I played in a little over a year ago (Two of which were GSurvivor3 and Survivor Cinema 8, for anyone who might have been in one of those series), but got kind of disillusioned with those types of games when I got accused twice of being in a pregame alliance. Somehow I got recruited to ORGY through Reddit by Snoopz, but I wasn't active there until VF recruited me (also through Reddit) for Crashcourse Barbados
Re: How did you first start ORGing?

Thu Aug 14, 2014 8:30:15 pm
by nationpower
Ironically, I became interested in ORGs when Hippochinfat/Ninth Bill Sender (my "enemy" at the time) advertised one in the thread for it on Sucks. This was like winter 2010. 20+ games later and I still haven't made the finals, go me!
Re: How did you first start ORGing?

Thu Aug 14, 2014 9:00:16 pm
by PDC
I saw the same reddit post as Trojan

I'm not even subbed to r/survivor so it was a completely random thing of chance that I saw it. Never even heard of ORGs before that. Thought it would be fun so signed up. Post-game, met other players on the Aus site, and then FDE got me in as a replacement in Stranded 22 and the ORG world opened up :)
Re: How did you first start ORGing?

Thu Aug 14, 2014 9:36:00 pm
by deaderrose
Re: How did you first start ORGing?

Thu Aug 14, 2014 10:12:49 pm
by Snakewing2000
Saw the same ad as PDC and Trojan on reddit 25 minutes after it was posted. For some reason I stayed up late that night. It seemed cool so I decided to join. I was real cocky though during the interview process though and thought I had the game in the bag 100% but waking up at 3:00 AM was really tough so yeah... But I did get recruited right out of losers lounge to play in Crashcourse, where I created a cool, new, awesome image. Would definitely recommend those ORGs 10/10.
Re: How did you first start ORGing?

Thu Aug 14, 2014 10:14:38 pm
by PDC
Bob you may be known for "I ca" to some, but to me, you will always be Bob, the guy who got a penalty for your tribe in a challenge you weren't even participating in.

Re: How did you first start ORGing?

Thu Aug 14, 2014 10:15:03 pm
by Vocal Fry
Re: How did you first start ORGing?

Thu Aug 14, 2014 10:23:18 pm
by TheOneSurvivor
It all started on one cold afternoon.
You see, throughout my life, everyone has asked me: "Hey, hey TOS, you're so awesome, so amazing, and super good looking. When are you going to sign up for ORGY?"
And I always told them the same thing: When ORGY is ready for me. You see, I don't want to waste my time playing in any ORG. I want to play in an ORG that really tests the skills.
And I have a lot of skills that a good player should have. Things like:
- Super Fast Internet
- Cat Like Reflexes
- Incredibly Powerful Fingers!
Oh, you want to see an awesome blindside? That's no problem! WHO CAN'T DO THAT?!?!?
So yeah, ORGing has always been destined for me, it's in the blood, it's in the heart.
Thank You.