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Reality Game Forums • View topic - ORG Bingo
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ORG Bingo

PostPosted: Tue Sep 09, 2014 1:00:19 am
by Waka

Swapfuck'd - Being voted out due to not having the numbers after a tribe swap.
Purple Rock'd - A tie was deadlocked and you were eliminated randomly.
Called Out (Thread) - Someone made a thread in public specifically about you or something you did.
Idol'd Out - A Hidden Immunity Idol was played and causes you to be voted out.
Open ID - Played a game as an All-Star or Veteran or just happened to be where your ID was not hidden.

Won an ORG - 1st Place
0-Vote Finalist - Made Final Tribal Council, received 0 votes to win.
Hit By A Stray Vote - You received a singular vote at a tribal council with no intention of voting you out.
Same Rep, Different Series - Playing the same character in more than one ORG, NOT as a returnee of any kind. i.e Playing Buffy in Buffy the Vampire Slayer and also playing Buffy in Versus! Everything
Final Immunity Challenge Winner - You won the last Immunity Challenge before Final Tribal Council

Saved By An Idol - A Hidden Immunity Idol was played (By you or another person) that nullified enough votes so that you do not go home when you otherwise would've.
Merge Boot - You were the first person voted off after the merge
Played An ORG - Free Space ^_^
Self-Voted Out - You forgot to vote and that one extra vote for yourself caused you to be eliminated
Return After Voted Out - You were able to re-enter the game after being voted out. Either through Redemption Island or some other twist that causes voted out players to return to the game.

First Juror - You are the first member of the Jury
Last Juror - You are the Last member of the jury (Final booand i got the whiteboard ending :Pt before FTC)
Final Pre-Merge Boot - You were voted out the round immediately prior the tribes merging.
No Votes Against - Not a single vote was cast to eliminate you the entire game.
Played idol at least opportunity - You played a Hidden Immunity Idol on the round it expired.

First Boot - Last Place
Part of a Double Boot - There was a round where two people were eliminated at once or immediately after one another (In a normally single-boot only game) and you were one of them.
Immune Until Merge - You were on the winning tribe (or won Individual Immunity) until the merge of an ORG
Last Member of Original Tribe - Every member of the tribe you started the game with has been eliminated except for you
Won a Tiebreaker Challenge - When a tie was deadlocked and the method of tiebreaker is a challenge, you won.

Also if enough suggestions can be added for a Sixth row/column (11) I can remake this.

Won Unanimously
Voted out with idol
Immunity Streak (3+ Immunity wins in a row)
Immunity Crawl

Re: ORG Bingo

PostPosted: Tue Sep 09, 2014 1:11:34 am
by PDC
Does it count as being idol'd out when you know it in advance and make a failed attempt to convince someone to vote with you for the only other person who would not be immune to try and force a tie so you can do a tie-breaker but they were the one being saved by the idol and they say no?

:'( F4 SQ LT will always hurt me.

Re: ORG Bingo

PostPosted: Tue Sep 09, 2014 2:06:41 am
by Waka

Gimme the vote breakdown icon_laughing

Re: ORG Bingo

PostPosted: Tue Sep 09, 2014 2:10:21 am
by PDC
Okay so what happened. We got to F4 and Epica wins immunity.

Me and Henery are going to vote for Marvin to leave and Epica is supposed to do so as well. Instead, Epica decides she's gonna use her HII on Marvin to take him to the end as a goat and vote me out. So Henery can't vote for himself so he votes for Marvin knowing it's a worthless vote. I tried to convince Marvin to vote for Henery with me but Marvin declines but it's literally my only chance so I vote Henery. Marvin and Epica vote for me. So it's a 2-1-1 vote, 1 of those votes gets HII cut, but yeah otherwise it would've at least been a tie (because Henery was voting for Marvin no matter what) and I'd have had a shot :(

Re: ORG Bingo

PostPosted: Tue Sep 09, 2014 4:49:36 am
by trojansoldier

Re: ORG Bingo

PostPosted: Tue Sep 09, 2014 5:44:42 am
by PDC
he asked and I wanna know if it counts for bingo so SHUT UP, GOAT! icon_cry

Re: ORG Bingo

PostPosted: Tue Sep 09, 2014 8:21:31 am
by Miss Laura
The updated board from orgy icon_wub


Swapfuck'd - Megavivor 2, Fantasy
Won - The Pyramid
Saved by an idol - Twilight
First Juror - Wolf's Revenge
First boot - Blues World 6
Purple Rock'd - RRR: Camarines
0 vote finalist - Dream Cast ORG
Last Juror - Simpsons VS Family guy
Part of double boot - RRR: Heroes VS Villains, Fantasy
Called out - Blues World 12
Hit by Stray vote - Blues World 8
Played an ORG - well duh
Final pre merge boot - Riverworld, Persona 4
Idoled out - The Forest
Same rep different series - Reynold Haus of Gaga/RRR
No votes against - Nowhere, RRR: Camarines (it counts since I was eliminate via rock), Fire Emblem Dual Strike (eliminated in challenge), Twilight, Persona 4 (eliminated in challenge), True Blood (never nominated until final 4 icon_wub ), Goddess Battle
Last member of original tribe - Versus! Murder, Twilight
Open ID - RRR: Camarines, Stranded in Patagonia, Blue Stars 2, Vertigo 14, Best Round Ever, RRR: Heroes VS Villains, Survivor Shodown
Final Immunity winner - The Pyramid, True Blood, Music War
Return after voted out - Music War

Re: ORG Bingo

PostPosted: Tue Sep 09, 2014 9:22:34 am
by Waka

Re: ORG Bingo

PostPosted: Tue Sep 09, 2014 9:53:02 am
by gerbil_george
Do on site games count, because that would take off like half my squares if they don't


Re: ORG Bingo

PostPosted: Tue Sep 09, 2014 2:03:58 pm
by trojansoldier

Re: ORG Bingo

PostPosted: Tue Sep 09, 2014 10:20:45 pm
by PDC

Waka ;__; effectively it would've been 2-2 me/Marvin with Marvin's votes being cancelled out. BUT we found out in advance and I tried to save myself but yeah.

Re: ORG Bingo

PostPosted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 5:58:20 pm
by gerbil_george

I can update this now icon_troll

Still no bingos though icon_weep

Re: ORG Bingo

PostPosted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 11:32:31 pm
by Voltage

Re: ORG Bingo

PostPosted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 11:34:10 pm
by nationpower
link to the thread plz? icon_troll

Re: ORG Bingo

PostPosted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 12:30:30 am
by VeryCoolCat
i got self boot
and it still hurts