ORG Bingo

Swapfuck'd - Being voted out due to not having the numbers after a tribe swap.
Purple Rock'd - A tie was deadlocked and you were eliminated randomly.
Called Out (Thread) - Someone made a thread in public specifically about you or something you did.
Idol'd Out - A Hidden Immunity Idol was played and causes you to be voted out.
Open ID - Played a game as an All-Star or Veteran or just happened to be where your ID was not hidden.
Won an ORG - 1st Place
0-Vote Finalist - Made Final Tribal Council, received 0 votes to win.
Hit By A Stray Vote - You received a singular vote at a tribal council with no intention of voting you out.
Same Rep, Different Series - Playing the same character in more than one ORG, NOT as a returnee of any kind. i.e Playing Buffy in Buffy the Vampire Slayer and also playing Buffy in Versus! Everything
Final Immunity Challenge Winner - You won the last Immunity Challenge before Final Tribal Council
Saved By An Idol - A Hidden Immunity Idol was played (By you or another person) that nullified enough votes so that you do not go home when you otherwise would've.
Merge Boot - You were the first person voted off after the merge
Played An ORG - Free Space ^_^
Self-Voted Out - You forgot to vote and that one extra vote for yourself caused you to be eliminated
Return After Voted Out - You were able to re-enter the game after being voted out. Either through Redemption Island or some other twist that causes voted out players to return to the game.
First Juror - You are the first member of the Jury
Last Juror - You are the Last member of the jury (Final booand i got the whiteboard ending :Pt before FTC)
Final Pre-Merge Boot - You were voted out the round immediately prior the tribes merging.
No Votes Against - Not a single vote was cast to eliminate you the entire game.
Played idol at least opportunity - You played a Hidden Immunity Idol on the round it expired.
First Boot - Last Place
Part of a Double Boot - There was a round where two people were eliminated at once or immediately after one another (In a normally single-boot only game) and you were one of them.
Immune Until Merge - You were on the winning tribe (or won Individual Immunity) until the merge of an ORG
Last Member of Original Tribe - Every member of the tribe you started the game with has been eliminated except for you
Won a Tiebreaker Challenge - When a tie was deadlocked and the method of tiebreaker is a challenge, you won.
Also if enough suggestions can be added for a Sixth row/column (11) I can remake this.
Won Unanimously
Voted out with idol
Immunity Streak (3+ Immunity wins in a row)
Immunity Crawl