by trojansoldier » Fri Aug 01, 2014 5:19:20 pm
Yeah - that's accurate. That was Caryn's birthday too. :( It turned out to be a savvy move by me since Steph played those idols so if I hadn't kept my word to Sarge and given him a vote for Caryn he/Steph would have been safe anyway. This way, I looked grand to Sarge till F3 AND got rid of two idols in one vote but it turns out F3 probably wouldn't have been a good enough deal after all ;)
Also. effing James you dolt. There was no need for you to play the idol on yourself you dumbass because you knew neither Eliza and myself were voting for you so the most votes you could have possibly gotten was TWO unless your dumbass voted for yourself - Eliza was immune so why wouldn't you play the idol on me you absolute chimp. Chad railing on James in Ponderosa to the point where James had to basically admit he was a walking mistake was <3
Cool-ass twists: fake-out merge into split into merge again, secret jury
Pretty lame twists: Diyab starting one man down, idols out in the open with no clues just to be picked up by passers by randomly
Seriously though, reading the Qatar summary, this season is criminally underrated in the Crashcourse legacy. It was an amazing experience round after round with so many things constantly in a state of flux (other than the Banat 3, the most static group of players in history, who just stood still while even Sarge made moves around them, like, come on), it had heated rivalries and tragic gone too soon boots with amazing characters and awesome hosts...