Re: Crashcourse Korea: Season 4 (Congrats, Cassandra!)
Wed Aug 06, 2014 9:24:18 pm
by Vocal Fry
Crashcoruse Korea was a season of ups and downs that started with a surprise: a tribe of ten new players would be entering the game to compete against a tribe of 10 returning players who were there for a second chance and to prove that they had what it takes. Johwa, the tribe of new players, wearing green, was ready to take on Pyeong, the tribe of returning players, wearing blue. Over the opening weekend, Pyeong proved to be the more dynamic of the two tribes with players running rampant making deals and side deals in order to secure their position in the majority. On top of this, the information that a twist would once again shake up the game after opening weekend loomed overhead to stir things up even more on both tribes.
After opening weekend, the season's big twists was announced. While most players assumed that the tribes would be split up 5 returners/5 new players, this was not the case. Instead, the tribes were indeed split up, but they were split amongst themselves into sub-tribes. Each main tribe would be split into 2 sub-tribes of 5. They would still compete in challenges together, but if/when they lost, they would have to decide which sub-tribe would go to tribal council by anonymously volunteering. If, at the end of 10 minutes, neither side volunteered, BOTH sides would go to Tribal and vote someone out. All members of the main tribe could still communicate, however, regardless of their sub-tribe. This twist truly forced the tribes to work together yet remain divided. At the sub-tribe pick, Jamie, Stephannie, Todd, and Amanda all found the hidden images to pick their sub-tribes. On Pyeong South, Jamie picked his majority mates in Cassandra and Erica, along with Shane and Erica. On Pyeong North, Stephannie unwittingly walked herself into a minority with Penner against all three Qatar players: Chris, Chad, and Gregg, who planned to stick together. On Johwa, things were more clear cut as each side chose 2 minority members: For Johwa North, Amanda, Peih Gee, and COurtney teamed up with Chicken and Leslie on the outs, while Todd chose James and Erik, with Frosti and Ashley on the outs for Johwa South.
From there, the game heated up with one of the most back-and-forth pre-merges Crashcoruse has ever seen. In nearly every challenge, both tribes were neck and neck, with each win being decided by a narrow margin. Pyeong managed to stay safe by just barely winning the first challenge, Pieces of You, which came down to the very last puzzle. On Johwa, Johwa South volunteered to vote someone out, and Ashley was sent flying out the door without realizing that she had never been in the majority. At the following challenge, Pyeong managed to pull out another narrow win. Johwa North shared the burden and volunteered, voting out Chicken. Meanwhile, Chad, on Pyeong North, had to pull himself from the game due to a family emergency in real life, devastating the many people who thought he was loyal to them, leaving his true intentions once again a mystery. At the next challenge, Johwa managed to earn their first win, and Pyeong South, the last sub-tribe to lose a member, went to tribal. In the first crazy vote of the season, the vote was stuck between Erica and Shane. Cassandra and Erica teamed up to target Shane, while Jamie and Shane teamed up to target the surprisingly quiet Erica. This left Margaret as the swing vote, where she decided to safe her sworn enemy Shane in a shocking turn of events.
After this, the players waited as their next big twist was announced: the sub-tribes were no more, but every player in the game was given the opportunity to mutiny. Jamie rallied 3 of his Pyeong tribemates to mutiny to Johwa. Margaret, Shane, and Chris all joined Jamie to join the 8 Johwa members, leaving Pyeong with 4 members: Cassandra, Gregg, Penner, and Stephannie. Johwa once again lost an extremely close challenge. With Margaret slotted to go due to her challenge skill and social threat status, Peih Gee decided that Jamie was more dangerous due to his erratic play style and untrustworthiness. The target was shifted to Jamie last minute and he was sent home near unanimously. Meanwhile, a wild pig visited each tribe with an idol hidden in tow. On Johwa, James managed to secure the idol, while Stephannie found the Pyeong idol. After this, the tribes were swapped back to near-equal numbers. Penner and Chris found themselves in danger on Johwa, while Peih Gee, Erik, and Todd were outnumbered on Pyeong.
Pyeong lost the next challenge, and after boding with some of the original Johwas, Margaret rallied her tribe to send home the oddly-quiet Shane. In the following round, it was announced that both tribes would visit Tribal council and the players would compete for individual immunity, one for each tribe. Cassandra and James both emerged as challenge threats when they each won immunity. On Johwa, fearful of an idol play, the Johwa majority split the vote between Penner and Chris. The vote tied, and on the re-vote, Chris was sent home after never managing to find a foothold in the game. On Pyeong, Margaret decided to think for the future and wanted to preserve three new allies (Peih Gee, Erik, and Todd) over 1 old one. She decided to join the original Johwas to blindside Stephannie, who left the game with her idol. After this, there were 4 returners left in the game against 8 new players.
The next round, each tribe was asked to choose a volunteer to pick teams for the upcoming challenge. Thinking it was another tribe swap, Margaret and Amanda stepped up and chose their teams. However, after this was done, it was revealed that the tribes had merged into the Hondon Tribe, and that the teams chosen would compete against each other at the next immunity challenge. Cassandra, Gregg, Frosti, Leslie, Courtney, and Amanda were on the winning side and all won immunity while the other 6 were vulnerable. While the initial plan was to target Margaret, the Johwa majority becan to grow scared of Peih Gee's status as a social threat with connections to almost every big player left in the game. Meanwhile, Margaret led the charge against Penner, the only other player who was vulnerable who she could vote for that she considered to be beneficial to her game. With Johwa targeting their own Peih Gee, Peih Gee ended up getting the most votes and was sent home as the first member of the jury. Meanwhile, James managed to find Stephannie's re-hidden idol, earning himself his second idol.
Disappointed that he had been left out of the plan to take out Peih Gee, Gregg joined up with Erik, Todd, and the returners the next round to help blindside Johwa's most sarcastic and snarky member, Courtney. After the first two rounds of the merge had passed, 2 original Johwas had left the game when the majority of players assumed the 4 returners were goners. Amanda began to emerge as the biggest hot-head/goat in the game as she clung to the idea that she could only play the game with Johwas, and that all the returners must go home. The FInal 10 saw the classic Immunity Takedown challenge, where Cassandra, Amanda, and Penner all volunteered to take immunity for a consequence. At Tribal, it was revealed that they would lose their vote at the current tribal council. Amanda had a vicious fight with Gregg as he was voted out (ironically, he was voted out at the same challenge last season).
At the Final 9, all bets were off (unless you asked Amanda, who was convinced that a returner would be going home next). Behind the scenes, Leslie, who started the game from the bottom and slowly worked her way up in social standing, managed to organize the craziest vote in Crashcourse history. She convinced Erik and Todd that Penner should go, and told Amanda and James that Margaret needed to go. She told Margaret to vote for James, all while she joined up with Cassandra, Penner, and Frosti to blindside Erik, who they saw as the most likely threat to sneak quietly to the end of the game. Before the votes were read, James played one of his hidden immunity idols. It negated one vote, and Margaret was convinced she was going home as the next two votes were for her. Then Penner received two votes, but then everyone watched in shock as Erik received 4 and was sent home. At the Final 8, Margaret won immunity, so the target shifted to Penner, who had always managed to sneak out of being the target or going home. His luck has finally run out. Meanwhile, Amanda continued to make a fool of herself during tribal council. After the tribal, another hidden immunity idol was hidden, which Cassandra managed to find.
At the Final 7, the Johwas finally decided it was time to band together. However, the round still managed to be chaotic as they were worried about Margaret or Cassandra having an idol. They attempted to split the vote, but most votes landed on Margaret. Cassandra played and wasted her idol and would enter the Final 6 without it. When she lost the next immunity challenge, everyone assumed that it would be her, but this was not the case. Knowing that Leslie was planning his downfall and had joined with Cassandra and Todd to take him out, James knew to play his idol, but instead of targeting Cassandra, he used his and Amanda's votes to blindside her and send her home.
At the Final 5, as the two biggest threats left in the game, James and Cassandra were both hungry for immunity. Cassandra managed to win it, and James was sent him unanimously after playing an extremely dominant game. At the Final 4, Cassandra knew her only shot at the win was to win immunity, which she managed to pull off and secure herself a spot in the end. Todd was voted out as the next biggest threat after Cassandra. At the Final Tribal Council, Amanda got her comeuppance when the jury railed into her for stupidly sticking to a crumbling Johwa and always following James' lead without making moves for herself. Frosti was also largely ignored for playing the middle too much and always refusing to commit to long-term plans with his flakiness and tendency to stray vote. Cassandra was also given a beating, but she still managed to secure the 7-1-1 vote after being the last returner standing.