Woah, woah, woah. What the hell? Trojan
keeps a Cycle 7 girl
over a Cycle 3 girl, completely flying in the face of his own self-initiated campaign to #getcycle7out? Is this some kind of a sick joke or is he even more hungover than he is letting on?
Well, no. Because, as much as #getcycle7out is still a thing
this simply cannot be allowed to stand...I mean, come on. This is the embodiment of the term "Central Coast Scrub", the kind of girl whose future involves a lot more walking around the pokie area of Cronulla Leagues Club than any runway in Milan or Paris or Rome (or even
Toowoomba or whatvever for chrissakes). I do NOT know what casting were smoking the day they let Cassandra onto a cycle that come as close to reaching perfection as Cycle 3 but I really, really hope someone lost their job as a result. This girl was the hottest of the hot, hot messes - there is not a single frame in which she appears to have model potential. No amount of post-production touching up makes her look any better (because, post-production is fucking expensive the producers probably knew not to bother anyway).
Some girls. ones who I hope we won't be discussing until much, much later in the thread, have this effortless thing where, if you took a screencap of them anytime they appear on screen they just scream "professional model".
Cassandra, yeah... Not so much.
She doesn't even look hot in that Cycle 3 promo (i.e. my favorite thing in the whole wide world during the end of 2006-beginning 2007), and
that literally should have been impossible.. That shit made
errrrrrrrryone look hot..
And for that, for being the weakest link in one of the strongest cycles, Cassandra boo, you have gots to go.
That means ANNALIESE MCCAAN you will move on to Cycle 2 and continue on in the hopes of becoming RFG's AusNTM Rankdown winner!Numbers Chosen:
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