As thrilling as it would be to cut Shanali here just for the lols I am legitimately afraid that PDC would have an
actual emotional meltdown and I have no interest in being the contributing factor that sets
that ticking time bomb off and it also makes sense for me to save Shanali here since one of my saved girls is going to end up cut if/when PDC uses her Sarah Murdoch Save so this takes an option off the table in that sense meaning I have a greater chance of some rando getting cut to sub Clare in so it's all good for me.
Ummm, so yeah, Natalie. Natalie, Natalie, Natalie... Huh. She.... ummmmm. Well. I mean. Natalie was the one who...... er, I mean, she did the.... Oh, wait, so, after her appearance on AusNTM she.... no, actually, nothing. Let's try.... her best photoshoot was... oh no, wait, that's it up there. Crap. Naaaatalie was, er, there for the first episode where exciting things happened around her like Lara shaving off Hiranthi's eyebrow but didn't ever play a direct part in anything whatsoever happening herself and was cut in the premiere episode for lacking "editorial versatility" which everyone implicitly understood as code talk for "you were a casting mistake and we're sorry but we've fired that casting agent now so your flight leaves in two hours".
Also, she got given the role of "cheerleader" in the Cycle 2 promo, which was pretty killer at the time before it got eclipsed massively by the Cycle 3 promo but it's still pretty hot. Anyway, the promo basically foreshadows Natalie's role as a bit-player in the show before she gets her ass kicked at the end by Sarah which is massively appropriate in retrospect. It's worth a look so, for the sake of filler, I'll pop it in here in case any of you haven't seen it.
So, dumpy little Natalie was quickly swept under the carpet in order to make way for the rest of the cast who all had, you know, personalities. It was a good call.
Numbers Chosen:
Numbers Eliminated:
Numbers Saved:
So, Shanali was
touched by an angel and moves on. I know PDC is begging for some big name noms here so let's give it to her people... ONE of you hot bitches needs to serve up TWO numbers stat!