The second person getting the boot is...

This is probably my lowest point in my ORGing career. Now let me first say that this has nothing to do with Into the Blue being bad. Jay Jay is a great host and he puts on a great game and I would do it all again if I ever did get the oppurtunity, but I probably won't as you'll find out by reading this. ITB started right after my first two games, Aussie Stranded and Crashcourse, both of which I thought I was easily robbed on. I was pretty upset at the time so I had a new plan this time... Come in guns blazing, stir up some chaos and stab people in the back. My two closest bonds I formed were with Lex and Carl. Lex was really chatty and wanted to go right into strategy talk. I thought he was amazing. Carl was a really good social player and I liked him a lot. However MY social game was lacking. A lot. This was first brought up by Carl. He told me that I should be a little more active. I went paranoid after he said that because I did not want to be seen as an inactive so I went crazy. I stupidly thought that Carl was against me so I told Lex. I told Lex that Carl told me that he (Lex) was a leader of an alliance and wanted me out, seriously, what the fuck was I on. So the information got back to Carl and he was pretty upset that I told Lex what I did. Then I sent something really really really stupid back. I sent this stupid message: "Oh Carl you made me worry for no reason. It was going to be Linda the whole time. Did you even know that... I really dont like it when I have to worry, when I worry, I scramble, when I scramble i will throw people under the bus. In the end it is your fault you never mentioned people were voting for Linda. For this I will make sure you will get voted out. See you at tribal." And that my friends is where I screwed my own game :). I was such a delousional idiot. I was pretty sorry after the game that my tribe had to deal with me for like 4 days. Anyways, me being the idiot I was I decided to just fight with everyone at tribal council. I said some stuff I'm not proud of and was 2nd voted out. On my way out I guess I somewhat made it up with Carl by saying "Trust Carl, he's a good man. Don't trust Lex he'll stab you in the back." And that is how I became one of the worst players in ITB history. It's a ORG I'd like to forget mostly because a monster came out in that game. One that I'm not proud of. That's all I have to say about that.
I am Bob. I'm too lazy to find a cool signature.