And coming in first place...

Well this is it. My best performance in an ORG thus far. It was about 7 months since my AWFUL performance in ITB and I was ready to get back into ORGs immediately. I saw the ad on the Aussie stranded board so I was like "why not?" I lurked enough games by that point to know how to go far so I tried my luck. For the first time I was gonna try to play UTR.
When I entered The Godess Battle ORG I head one main goal. Be friends with everyone. I tried to talk to everyone I could and it was the most stressful thing ever. By the one hour mark I had sent more PMs than I had in Aussie Stranded and ITB. My closest connections pre-tribes were with Hanna, Elizabeth and Bellatrix. I LOVED Bellatrix mostly because she was crazy and OTT which I always tend to gravitate to. I joined the same tribe as Bellatrix, the Katana tribe.
The Katana tribe consisted of me, Bella, Hit-Girl, Ravenna, The Bride and O-Ren. Katana was a great tribe to be with and was just as fun as the Punica tribe in Aussie Stranded. One of my favorite things about Katana was how we would constantly ridicule the Pata tribe. Good times :). Anyways during my time on Katana I got in a REAL alliance with Bella, Bride and O-Ren. I trusted them with my life and felt a great since of friendship with them. I was on top my game, until the swap came.
When the swap came I was unavailable so I was left without a tribe so I went to "the vault" (aka exile island) where I got to meet the lovely Letty. Me and Letty bonded over our love of Ice Cream and would talk about it always. Anyways Katana lost and voted off Ravenna. When I joined up with NuKatana it seemed like O-Ren and I was on the outside. However O-Ren had a plan and had made enough connections to save herself. I realized all I had to was be more active than the least active player, which was Jadis. I made lots of conversations with the tribe and they said they were gonna vote out Jadis. Of course there was an obstacle, I was PATHETIC in the challenge and was so bad I thought that I was gonna be booted because of it. So I went on the attack at tribal. I wanted to HUMILIATE Jadis to make sure I would stay. Did it matter? No. Did I go overboard? yes. That's one of only 2 regrets I have about the way I played. After the Jadis boot I was ecstatic that I got to stay and I was going to prove to my tribe that I can COMPETE.
The next challenge I competed in was a doozy. You had to search the board for a picture of a knife and post it in the challenge thread. I was the Final 3 in that challenge. I was super excited!!!! Finally, after all of my failures in ORGs I was gonna be the hero!!!! However I forgot one simple rule, you cannot post two knifes. That's exactly what I did. I knew I was going if lost because of that. But my old ally Bride saved me by throwing the challenge for NuKatar.
After the NuKatar tribal the merge came along. MY FIRST MERGE!!!!!! YES!!!! Me, Bella, Bride and O-Ren got back into our alliance. However, at the merge my social game fell apart. I started only talking to people I knew. I failed to reconnect with Letty and others who I had never been with on my tribe. The first merge vote was a clusterfuck with plans changing constantly. My alliance and others had finally settled on voting off Mallory two minutes before tribal. This would become the basic bitch #2 tribal, the name Hanna used to confirm we were voting Mallory. The next tribal was a unanimous vote for Lola. The round after that I finally broke. I was tired of playing UTR and was ready to make a big move. I wanted Elizabeth out because no one didn't like her. She was a threat to my game. I pushed a little to hard to vote her out. Bride and O-Ren decided it was time to cut me and Bella loose that round because there was no way all four of us could be the final 4 so the votes were split between me and Bella. Bella played her idol but it didn't matter, there were more votes for me.
I went to ponderosa SUPER angry at O-Ren and Bride. I said way to rude things about O-Ren and I really regretted that. After nearly a week and a half I finally started appreciating there games. A good thing too since they were the final 2. I decided to vote for O-Ren because she was usually my #2 ally behind Bella.
Overall, this was super fun ORG to play in where you can be a bitch and not get any hate for it. The hosts did a great job running this through all the craziness. Everyone should lurk for season 2 of this series.
(I have a lot more to say about this ORG but it would be a novel long if I did. Check the season out for yourself. )
I am Bob. I'm too lazy to find a cool signature.