by TheOneSurvivor » Wed Oct 08, 2014 3:04:12 pm
How in the flipping fuck did Jonny Fairplay get tied for last on the male side?
He is THE biggest Survivor villain ever. It's not Russell, it's not Rob, it's not Abi-Maria, it's not Tony, it's not Kass, it's not Parvati, it's not Corinne, it's not Shane. It's Jonny MOTHERFUCKING Fairplay.
We're talking about the guy who backstabbed every jury member before him, showed up drunk at TC, got into several arguments, and lied about his own grandmother's death. And despite that, he's still to this day one of RTV's biggest assholes and douchebags of ALL FUCKING TIME.
Now granted, I didn't vote here, but still I am ashamed of you all. He may have made it, but barely, and that fucking pisses me off.