OMG at poor Pav this week. Also lol @ Mark going from odds on favorite to win and plummeting to like, 5th because he's an awful human being who treats the sweet and tolerant Christmas like garbage.
There's been a lot of flack given to this season online but I've enjoyed almost every minute. I did miss last year so the Dexter/Gina thing goes a bit over my head but I did think Danielle was one of the greatest reality TV characters given to us in years and years.
We're marching towards an inevitable Ashleigh/Winston F2 with Christmas in 3rd and Zoe/Helen in interchangeable spots 4 or 5. Expecting a "shock" Chris exit this week with Pav and Ash following and Mark being the surprise not-making-the finals boot.
Ashleigh's development over the season has been remarkable. She deserves the crown and has done ever since the masquerade dinner