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ORG Highlights of 2014

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Re: ORG Highlights of 2014

Postby PDC » Mon Jan 19, 2015 7:48:40 pm

Australian Stranded: Socotra - 10/18
First game :)
Learning the importance of actually sending PMs icon_laughing
First blindside <3
Corinne ( icon_wub .... now icon_sad )

US Stranded: Namibia - 4/18
Best game I have played
Best social game I have played <3
First time as a replacement <3
First 4th Place <3
Ralph, Cochran, Tracy <3

Sasquatch: Looney Tunes - 4/18
Played a big, loud personality :)
Epica <3

Crashcourse: Korea - 12/20
Erik, Todd, Glorious Leader Kim Jong Il Margaret Cho icon_wub
Courtney's boot <3
Learning for the first time the danger of letting yourself be IDd.

US Stranded: Portugal - Host
First Hosting gig
Cochran + Vytas <3
Semhar + Marissa <3
Hayden <3
Favourite Host <3
Rebooted live Fan Fave voting and fell in love with idol making <3

Ultimate Game 2: Funhouse - 8/20
Ross icon_wub
Ted icon_wub

Gabby's Party - 4/18
Trini icon_wub

US Stranded: Nepal - Host
Player Draft win icon_wub
Rachel <3

ITB: Dominica - 2/18
First full-size ORG FTC <3

Australian Stranded Boxing Day Survivor: Robs v Johns - Doctor John
First win <3
Being best allies with Gabriella (Misch) completely unknowingly <3
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Re: ORG Highlights of 2014

Postby VeryCoolCat » Tue Jan 20, 2015 12:24:47 am

pdc i had no idea you won a game! Props!!!!
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Re: ORG Highlights of 2014

Postby PDC » Tue Jan 20, 2015 12:33:14 am

It was a one day mini run by the AusStranded community but IT COUNTS <3
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Re: ORG Highlights of 2014

Postby Vocal Fry » Tue Jan 20, 2015 11:34:36 am

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Re: ORG Highlights of 2014

Postby PDC » Wed Jan 21, 2015 1:42:05 am

People shouldn't be basing their votes on ID anyway but that's just reality so yea it was.

I am now really paranoid of Tracy being in every game I'm in though which sucks.
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Re: ORG Highlights of 2014

Postby SeanDjoko » Wed Jan 21, 2015 4:21:36 am

You forgot EuroStranded
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Re: ORG Highlights of 2014

Postby PDC » Wed Jan 21, 2015 9:47:47 pm

It's a highlights thread. EuroStranded was a complete blight and I don't really consider myself as having played it.

I still don't know why you pretended to suddenly ID me which led to me getting post-banned when you'd known the whole time since Tract told you. How stupid :/
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Re: ORG Highlights of 2014

Postby SeanDjoko » Wed Jan 21, 2015 11:44:52 pm

Tracy told me you were in it, cause you pretty much gave it away pre-game, by posting it publicly on this forum. She didn't say who you were, I just picked it up, cause your personality is very distinctive. You and Kenny got post-restricted cause you started talking about Namibia/US Stranded in Loser's Lodge, talking about ID's and talking about how you ID'd Cirie too. It had nothing to do with me. Way to twist the true story though, you tried it.
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Re: ORG Highlights of 2014

Postby PDC » Thu Jan 22, 2015 12:00:31 am

Um no lol you knew who I was, if you're gonna lie I am gonna call you out on it tbh even if it is admitting we explicitly mentioned it to each other in a PM.

And it was actually you and Kenny talking about Namibia - I was not even awake when 90% of that conversation happened. You both got told to stop and I asked why it mattered since everyone had been talking to me openly the whole time since I was the only person there for the most part - matt banned me and I spoke to GM who reversed it.

I wasn't even attacking you I just thought it was really stupid for you to say that when you already knew who I was and that's what I said to you at the time and what i said to GM at the time as well.

Why are you even getting offended - that was just a set of facts, and you clearly mentioned Euro to be a smart ass. Don't start shit if you can't take the hits.

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Re: ORG Highlights of 2014

Postby SeanDjoko » Thu Jan 22, 2015 12:17:04 am

So you're not admitting that you implied you'd be on EuroStranded on RGF and Tracy made you edit your post cause of it? Kgirl. Way to sweep that one under the rug.

You talked about Namibia in Loser's Lodge. You talked about ID'ing Cirie. Like, what did I do, log into your account and post that stuff for you? You were even warned to stop, and kept going. That's why you got post restricted.

You also got post restricted after Gabriella's Party, guess that was my fault too. icon_unsure

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Re: ORG Highlights of 2014

Postby SeanDjoko » Thu Jan 22, 2015 12:25:38 am

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Re: ORG Highlights of 2014

Postby PDC » Thu Jan 22, 2015 12:32:25 am

I never got post restricted following Gabby's Party. Wtf?

And no i made some post about euro that Tracy said might be too hinty so to edit it so I did and then later she told me she just outright told you I was playing.

Kenny said he knew who in was and we realised we knew each other and briefly discussed it then you made some "I know who you are :o" comment for no reason since you already knew who I was, then I went to bed and you and Kenny had further conversation which had the hosts telling you both to stfu. I said why is it an issue since nobody cared for the previous 3 weeks while we'd been open about it when I was the only person sitting in losers, and Matt banned me. He also banned me from my confessional so I had to PM GM about it on AusStranded - which I outlined everything, and he lifted the ban.

Its not about throwing blame, it was just a comment that you mentioning that you figured me out - a false comment - kick started some chain where the hosts got shitty about ID talk because lurkers were finding out IDs when you already knew my ID prior. Like that was it, you took it as more than that and that's your problem.

Continue acting the angel but you stirred up shit there and participated in the ID conversation and that's viewable on the board so denying it like you are is retarded.

What is even the point of this. I purposefully didn't mention Euro to begin with, so I guess congratulations for getting the rise you wanted.
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Re: ORG Highlights of 2014

Postby PDC » Thu Jan 22, 2015 12:36:19 am

Oh snap I completely rebutted you without even seeing your post.


Girl you are a bitch like why even hide it. I don't. The least you could do is own it.
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Re: ORG Highlights of 2014

Postby PDC » Thu Jan 22, 2015 12:40:29 am

Anyways this whole shit show can end since the thread is now derailed.

Go back to highlight talk, like RalphxJohn in Portugal icon_wub
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Re: ORG Highlights of 2014

Postby SeanDjoko » Thu Jan 22, 2015 12:41:46 am

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